The Óbuda University Scientific Students' Association is organizing the winter Scientific Students' Conference in november.
The conference must be preceded by the following:
1) Registration from:
2) If you have a Neptun system code and password you must register from the title "Hallgatói Belépés" , but if you still don't have the system code you must register from "Diak Belépés". You may also need to explain your topic.
3) You are free about your topic.(But for to learn your consultant teacher who will assist you about your paper you can send a mail to and Dr. Kárpáti-Daróczi Judit can tell you which professor will assist you.)
4) Till 13 april 2023 12:00, you must sign up for the conference with a brief summary of the essay, (it must be confirmed in the online system by your consultant by 12:00 noon).
5) After completing the thesis 4 may noon (12:00) must be recorded in the KGK -TDK system. The thesis must be approved by the supervisor by this deadline (12:00 noon) in the KGK-TDK system. The University is responsible for checking the plagiarism of the thesis by completing the University Plagiarism Checking System.