Global Service Jam

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Global Service JamDear Innovators, World-shakers, Creative problem-solvers...,
Are you ready for a global challenge? Would you like to change the world in 48 hours and create
social impact? Or just want to have fun and meet new cool people?
Join our Global Service Jam and have all of these in one place!

March 9, 17:30 pm - March 11, 18:00

What is a Jam?
Each year around February/March, people who are interested in service and using a design-based
approach to problem solving and creativity will meet all over the globe. In a spirit of experimentation, co-operation and friendly competition, teams will have 48 hours to develop brand new services or make already existing ones better and more sustainable. The whole challenge is inspired by a theme which will be announced by the organizers at the beginning of the Jam in all participating countries.
More information

Utoló frissítés: 2018. március 6.