International Project - Új kiállítások

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Három új kiállítással folytatódik az International Project kiállítás sorozata.
A méhekről, a Nemzetközi Vöröskeresztről és az űrkutatásról.


Dear International Students from Óbuda University!
Do you actually know about the important role bees are playing in our environment? Bees are vital to both pollinate the food we need to survive and pollinate many of the trees and flowers that provide habitats for wildlife. A world without bees is sadly becoming more of a possibility, as these important insects are in severe decline.
We are a group of students from all over the world, currently all studying at Óbuda University in Budapest, Hungary. To raise awareness on this urgent topic we decided upon creating a virtual gallery about bees and measures to follow for preventing their extinction.

In case you are interested, feel free to leave your email address and we will send you a link to our virtual art gallery about bees and measures to follow for preventing their extinction. Furthermore, we created a giveaway in the form of a questionnaire.
You are very welcome to participate! See you there!

Red Cross

Red Cross
World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is an annual celebration of the principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. World Red Cross Red Crescent Day is celebrated on 8 May each year. This date is the anniversary of the birth of Henry Dunant, who was born on 8 May 1828. He was the founder of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the recipient of the first Nobel Peace Prize.

Hungarian and international students of KGK organized an exhibition on this occasion.


Human Space Flight

Human Space Flight
12 April 1961 was the date of the first human space flight, carried out by Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet citizen. This historic event opened the way for space exploration for the benefit of all humanity. UNO General Assembly, in its resolution A/RES/65/271 of 7 April 2011, declared 12 April as the International Day of Human Space Flight “to celebrate each year at the international level the beginning of the space era for mankind”
Hungarian and international students of KGK organized an exhibition on this occasion.

Utoló frissítés: 2021. április 10.