FIKUSZ Proceedings 2015.

Jelenlegi hely

Az alábbi cikkek az NTP-HHTDK-15-0027 sz. pályázat támogatásával jelentek meg:

Holicza Péter: The Higher Educational Motivation of Secondary School Students and its Effects on the Hungarian Labour Market

Dóka László – Lazányi Kornélia: Role of Technical Managers in Mining

Alexandra Vécsey: The Role of the Internet in the Innovation of SMEs: Oppurtunity and Threat

pályázati logók
First pages of Proceedings of FIKUSZ251.96 KB
_002_Tartalomjegyzek_eloszo_2015_final1.pdf335.27 KB
Mihajlović-Nikolić-Dhamo-Schulte-Kume: The Reasons for SME’s Failure, Comparative Analysis and Research563.46 KB
Andrea Bencsik: Knowledge Management as a Challenge of Hungarian Companies302.28 KB
Józef Dziechciarz: Measurement of Rate of Return in Education. Research Directions546.18 KB
Anita Derecskei Kolnhofer: Hungarian Organizational Creativity460.24 KB
Duong Van Thinh: Should You Find out what Motivates Your Employees before They Run Away?411.9 KB
Gencia Adrian Daniel: A Consensus on Commonly used Financial Ratios379.48 KB
Laurik Helshani: An Android Application for Google Map Navigation System, Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem, Optimization 598.63 KB
Peter Holicza: The Higher Educational Motivation of Secondary School Students and its Effects on the Hungarian Labour Market413.39 KB
András Keszthelyi: Life is Short. Have another Affair – Password Security307.4 KB
Robert Marciniak: Outsourcing and its Relatives290.29 KB
Biljana Ružičić: Strengthening of the Swiss Franc through an Example of Housing Loans454.63 KB
Ervin Salianji, Eneida Fatkoja: State of Law and Human Rights in the Republic of Albania345.21 KB
Tom Sander, Biruta Sloka: Does the Use of Facebook Influence the Exchange of Information on Social Networking299.23 KB
Nexhmedin Shaqiri: The Impact of Risk Management Factors in the Sustainability of the Pension System in Kosovo386.03 KB
Richard Szabó: Efficiency of the Financial Services Institution402.45 KB
Kościelniak-Nowakowska-Grunt-Przewoźna-Krzemińska-Szkutnik:InternationalExperiences as one of main Elements in Quality Education480.01 KB
Radu Trifan: The Contribution of Circular Migration to Economic Growth in Developing Countries222.86 KB
Alexandra Vécsey: The Role of the Internet in the Innovation of SMEs: Oppurtunity and Threat427.52 KB
Grzegorz Waszkiewicz: Political Risk and National Debt Markets in Advanced Economies391.16 KB
László Dóka - Kornélia Lazányi: Role of Technical Managers in Mining509.98 KB
Utoló frissítés: 2023. augusztus 10.